This is something different for this blog. It's hilarious, but it's a video. It's a series of videos. I think you will love it if you are in any coupled-up relationship.
I just stumbled across this video but could not stop watching after the first 10 minutes. He's so funny that I laughed until my stomach ached. The humor is one thing but he shares so much truth. I wish I had seen this video years ago.
By the way, the speaker is Mark Gungor. He's a pastor - but don't freak out my non-Christian friends - his focus here is more on marriage than anything. This is his page. Enjoy and tell others about the videos.
I just stumbled across this video but could not stop watching after the first 10 minutes. He's so funny that I laughed until my stomach ached. The humor is one thing but he shares so much truth. I wish I had seen this video years ago.
By the way, the speaker is Mark Gungor. He's a pastor - but don't freak out my non-Christian friends - his focus here is more on marriage than anything. This is his page. Enjoy and tell others about the videos.