Since my insomnia has me up and wide awake for the moment, I thought I would share something funny that happened to me recently. It goes to show how affected we are by the technology we use so much...
I rarely sit and watch television. I use the computer for most news and entertainment. However, when I do sit on the couch to watch television, I am nosy and distracted. My living room window gives a view of everyone leaving or entering our apartment building.
When I was watching Netflix on my TV today, I was also being very Gladys Kravitz and taking note of the comings and goings of the residents. If I missed something happening on the TV show, I would just do quick a rewind. There happened to be a lot of activity around the building today so I was doing a lot of rewinding.
At one point, out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone pulling a small wagon full of plants up to the building. By the time I turned to look though, I couldn't see who was bringing in the plants. As you might know from reading my other blogs, I LOVE plants. Love, love, love them. I was dying to know who had somehow gotten a whole wagon full.
Now, this is where it gets weird because, for a full second (or maybe even two), I considered rewinding... uh, life? I seriously gave it some thought before I realized that I can't control life the way I control Netflix!
That was a sign to me that I needed to turn off the TV and stop window-gazing. It also reminded me of this:
I rarely sit and watch television. I use the computer for most news and entertainment. However, when I do sit on the couch to watch television, I am nosy and distracted. My living room window gives a view of everyone leaving or entering our apartment building.
When I was watching Netflix on my TV today, I was also being very Gladys Kravitz and taking note of the comings and goings of the residents. If I missed something happening on the TV show, I would just do quick a rewind. There happened to be a lot of activity around the building today so I was doing a lot of rewinding.
At one point, out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone pulling a small wagon full of plants up to the building. By the time I turned to look though, I couldn't see who was bringing in the plants. As you might know from reading my other blogs, I LOVE plants. Love, love, love them. I was dying to know who had somehow gotten a whole wagon full.
Now, this is where it gets weird because, for a full second (or maybe even two), I considered rewinding... uh, life? I seriously gave it some thought before I realized that I can't control life the way I control Netflix!
That was a sign to me that I needed to turn off the TV and stop window-gazing. It also reminded me of this: