Monday, March 16, 2020

Potty Humor

Warning: this might be slightly offensive, but it made me laugh way too hard.

In the midst of all this coronavirus madness - people trampling the stores like it's Black Friday and buying out tissue as if it's never going to be produced again - I have kept my cool. Even though I have a compromised immune system, I have just continued taking my normal precautions: staying away from anyone who might be sick with anything contagious; keeping myself away from anyone when I have something contagious; washing my hands properly; keeping my environment as clean as I can, etc.

Because other people are in panic mode, I do worry that tissue will be at a shortage. So, I am taking a clue from my French brothers and sisters. I went looking for a portable bidet. I found and read reviews and information for several. It was when I was reading the info for one in particular that I laughed so hard, I thought I would need that bidet immediately.

I started laughing so hard that I literally had to walk criss-cross legged to the bathroom before I had an accident.

People, don't let this COVID-whatever make you forget that we cannot live in fear. Take care of yourself, take all the normal precautions, be safe. Most of all, don't lose your sense of humor.
