Friday, February 26, 2021

LOL Moments in Scripture (and eSword)

(This was first posted on my other blog FreeBeingFree. It belongs here.) 

The Hebrews are a people with a past of extreme highs and lows. Their sense of humor is a bit different from that of my own African- American-slave-descendant culture. But I think our troubles and blessings make us appreciate wry humor. 

Yesterday, I was reading in 1 Kings and there is a part in chapter 18 that cracked me up so hard I had to wipe tears from my eyes. I will share versions from both the ERV and the ESV. As a speaker of contemporary English, I found the ERV hit my funny bone hardest.

screenshot from eSword ERV version

Can you just picture it? Elijah making fun of these fools while they are hopping around like madmen!

There is much humor to be found in the Bible. This is a post in the Bible History Daily section of Biblical Archaeology Society that I wanted to share.

Where are parts in the Bible that have made you chuckle?



P.S.: I am not affiliated with or compensated by eSword but I love encouraging people to check it out. I have it downloaded onto my computer and use it daily for the many free and paid resources. Please consider donating to them.