Saturday, August 15, 2009

Good Old Days???

Don't know where my 21 yr old niece got these, but they were in an email called "Now I know why they called them the 'good old days' " She was pretty tickled when I told her how her great grandma just HAD to have at least one Coca-Cola to start her day off & later on we heard that there was cocaine IN Coca-Cola... She thought that was hilarious. These are funny!

(46% Alcohol, 1 1/12 grains Opium - to each fluid oz...
& they give dosage instructions for babies 5 days old, 2 wks old, 5 yrs. Adults get a whole Tsp!)

("Instantaneous Cure!" I'll just bet!)

(I had to look close at this one to see the "Cocaine" at end of first line...)
(Some more of that Alcohol & Cocaine curative!)
(Quinine & Cocaine. I don't think the quinine matters!)

(LOL. Know how they won the medals!)

(Boy - they LOVED that Coca Wine, didn't they?)

(*smh* Wow. Good Old Days indeed...)

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